Donan Bus Between Toya and Kutchan - Hokkaido

Some of visitors who visit my blog asked me about the bus runs between Toya and Kutchan. After Donan Bus announced the direct bus, I translated from Japanese to English for you. I've never been to Toya and Kutchan before. If you need more information, please contact Donan Bus counter. This route operates only for specific time. 

Poster: Donan Bus website

Toya ⇔ Kutchan Bus 
Operation Date: Everyday 25 July - 17 August 2018

Toya Station ⇔ Kutchan Station - Niseko Hirafu  
Adult 1,700 yen, Child 850 yen

Toya Station ⇔ Niseko Plaza
Adult 1,500 yen, Child 750 yen

Toyako Onsen ⇔ Kutchan Station - Niseko Hirafu
Adult 1,600 yen, Child 800 yen

Toyako Onsen ⇔Niseko Plaza
Adult 1,400 yen, Child 700 yen

Toya and Kutchan Bus Timetable

The Bus Stops

Reference: Donan Bus Website

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